I also believe if we are so eagerly want to achieve any of our dreams, one way to another, we will find the ‘how’ even if it is excruciating difficult. In other words, NO IS NOT THE ANSWER in our life vocabulary. This is what happen to me when I decided many years ago to compensate my failure to obtain a college degree with a hard work to reach my dream of getting a high paying job in order to assist as well let my parents be proud of me.
I do not let the negative thinking in me. Whenever I encounter any bad experience which at time seems to hinder me from achieving my dream, I will tell myself, NO IS NOT THE ANSWER! Thus, suddenly, the low feeling in me starts to go away and myself now is fully energize to find the solution or the other way that can lead me to my ultimate dream. Learn also the MAGIC OF MAKING UP Click Here!
NO IS NOT THE ANSWER has also helps me to become a financial able person. At the same time, NO IS NOT THE ANSWER also helps me to excel in my career as well. My bosses always have a high degree of trust in me because they know whenever any task given to me, I will ensure completion without having any excuses thrown back to them should I encounter any hurdles during my mission.
NO IS NOT THE ANSWER should become your slogan in life too apart from other secret tools mentioned earlier. I am very sure you will able to propel to your ultimate dream without any further delay! Just repeat this slogan to yourself whenever you face any obstacles in life no matter how mountainous it is. By having this slogan in you, there is no way you cannot reach your goal very soon. I am a living proof to tell you how effective are this slogan in changing my whole life. If it can change mine, why not yours? NO IS NOT THE ANSWER!
If you look back into the history of mankind, you will also discover about this slogan in many great people throughout the history. How this slogan has help them to shape the world today. Their legacy will be remembered for as long as the mankind is evolving. Just name whoever success person be it in the past or present. Study them carefully. You will find that one of the aspect towards them becoming such a GREAT person is they embrace this concept, NO IS NOT THE ANSWER! So, you have seen how this slogan manages to bring GREATNESS in those remarkable people throughout the history, what are you waiting for? Embrace it with all your heart. Do not despair when you are pushed to the wall, just remember, NO IS NOT THE ANSWER!
There are many ways for you to achieve anything you want in this life. There is no one way about it. The path taken by a person to greatness may help you to reach the TOP but at the same time, there are also many others who reach to their dream by chartering to the unchartered path. Remember I say your dream will be chasing to be part of you when you are intensely want it. I repeat it again here. Make your dream be part of your breath and at the same time apply all the practical tools yet very simple and easy to do, your dream is just around the corner!
So, push away your sorrow, disappointment, upset or failure. See the greatness in front of you. Imagine the sweet success in your near future. After all, there always be a beautiful rainbow after a thunderstorm! God is The Al Mighty! He gives you a challenge in life just to ensure you will be ready for the GREATNESS in the near future so that you will be able to handle such powerful success very soon. After all, it is 2 soon 2 quit now! (http://2soon2quitnow.blogspot.com).
See you at the TOP!
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Sunday, February 22, 2009
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