Saturday, February 21, 2009


When I reflect back, I also discover that there is one thing unique practice that has become part of my life. It brings my dream of earning a good income and a high corporate position into reality. In addition, the same practice also helps me to become a financial able person. Hence, I am able to repay my parents hardship during my growing years. I notice that I JUST DO IT! I do not let others stand in my way to divert me from achieving my dream. No matter what people say I will still continue to be lead by my inner voice.. JUST DO IT!

I know that I am painting my own canvas life. I do not need others to tell me what to do or do not do. Indeed, God send His message to us every day. It just we do not really care to stop for a second and think deeply into the event that we see in front of us.

Imagine that you are at the river side. You are watching the river flow now. The river is flowing endlessly with all its mighty current down the stream. What if suddenly we put a boulder to divert the river flows? If you see carefully, now, the river is trying hard to get rid of the boulder so that it could flow as usual. It either move the boulder away, split the water flow into many directions or even goes on top of the boulder because its ultimate dream is to flow down the stream.
Coming back to our life, can’t we do the same? Can’t we take any setbacks or obstacles as challenge for us to find other ways to achieve our dream as there is no ONE way path of reaching to our ultimate dream?


I did the same thing here. I JUST DO IT! Back then, there is one time when I apply for a job advertised in the newspaper for a middle management post, I just ignore its requirements. I JUST DO IT! For me, the college degree (among the perquisite requirements) is just a requirement but it does not mean that person will be able to do an exemplary job. Do note that the most important thing in my mind is to achieve my dream and I want to achieve it now! Since at that time, my dream is to get a high paying job and being a middle management employee can help me to attain the salary that I want at that point of time. I JUST DO IT! I apply the P3 SECRET MAGIC FORMULA during the interview session and I think you know who get the job in the end! Yes, it is me! I beat all the candidates who have good college degree, some even have a Master Degree plus years of experience compared to me, ZERO EXPERIENCE!
What makes me chosen from other “qualified” candidates who match to the advertisement’s requirement? Very simple, I JUST DO IT! I show to the Management that even though I know nuts about the job, I have the POSITIVE mind, PERSISTENCE in my pursuit to get the job and finally, WITH PERSEVERANCE in me , I can do wonders at the organisation.

So read my lips, JUST DO IT! You will definitely achieve whatever you want or whatever you dream in the near future. Do not let other people to shatter your dream. Focus on your dream and your dream will be chasing to be part of your life very soon.
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Even when come to financial aspect, i also do the same. I JUST DO IT!. People are telling to avoid the share market but I am going to buy those blue chips shares which prices are so low and very attractive. There is no other good time to buy shares other than now! Some people are waiting at the sideline only to realize that they have lost the opportunity to gain a handsome profit from the equity market. Why? Because they are listening to the experts who they themselves do not know when is the actual good time to buy shares in the beaten market. So, JUST DO IT! Listen to your inner voice and act! Of course, you must make sure that greed does not conquer your judgement. My secret to buy shares in the equity market and make a handsome gain are very simple. I go for blue chips counters and I will purchase only when the price is so attractive due to a sudden turn of event that makes the counter’s share price beaten so bad or suddenly the share price is at 52 weeks low. Once I see this opportunity, I will grab it with the JUST DO IT! tag line in my mind. With this, I gain handsomely once the market rise...and am laughing all the way to the bank.

So, remember this important tag line, JUST DO IT! After all, it is 2 soon 2 quit now. (

See you at the TOP! If you have related posts

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