Thursday, April 30, 2009
In order to achieve what you want in this life, money plays an important role. Therefore, be a money magnet. Definitely, you will see a wide road to your dream is always in front and nobody can shake you or detour you from it.
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Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Be The Best
Everyone in this world no matter how extreme his condition is can be successful in whatever thing that he dreamt of. Trust me! Because I have gone through that stage! So, do not let your less fortunate life haunt you for the rest of your life. As I mentioned earlier, you can achieve anything you want in this life. Nobody can stop you from realising your dream. Just dream of something and work aggressively towards it. Among other criteria that must be in you beside whatever he has discussed earlier, to BE THE BEST must be always in your mind. Be The Best will help you to be the most outstanding person among the rest of the sect. Be The Best also helps to propel you to the dream that you are longing for all this while. Here is a good way to achieve your financial dream.Click Here!
By becoming the best in my career, I manage to achieve my dream of attaining a high position in a multinational company without having to apply for the job. Indeed, the company offers me the job with a salary higher than what I am asking for. How nice... Do note that I do not know anybody in this organisation to recommend me to seize this position when it is offered. As far as I am concern, if you get someone to influence the decision for you to be employed and at the same time you are not competent for the job, your days are numbered! Believe me, it will be a costly lesson that you have to shoulder for the rest of your life.
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Be the best in your trade helps to build your self confidence as well helps you be acknowledged as the captain of the industry. Furthermore, people will know you and this is what networking is all about. The true concept of what is networking. People know you because you are the best in your trade. However, be the best does not mean you will stop your learning agenda. Instead, you must relearn, unlearn and learn from various sources pertaining to your trade so that you are always valid in the job market or society. Be the Best also will draw a lot of money to you because people are willing to pay the price to either hire you or attend your talk seminar. So, Be The Best!
There is a Confucius wisdom word, “Do something that you like most, job will be a thing of the past”. It means in order for you to be the best, you must love whatever you are doing now. Then only you will be the best, the captain of the trade or industry. Because when you eager to do something that you like to fulfil your dream, you will run, swim and fly to achieve it no matter how big are the obstacles in front of you. Many people fail to realize the important of be the best. Yet, they are grumbling of getting lower pay or the inability to be a financial able person. You have no other choice as this is the only way to get the momentum going on in you to achieve your ultimate dream no matter what it is because if you decide to be just an ordinary person while at the same time hoping God will throw His Blessing and make your dream become a reality, it is not going to happen.
So, be the best! This is the only way for you to reach your ultimate dream. There is no short cut to it! As remember, it is always too soon to quit now!
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By becoming the best in my career, I manage to achieve my dream of attaining a high position in a multinational company without having to apply for the job. Indeed, the company offers me the job with a salary higher than what I am asking for. How nice... Do note that I do not know anybody in this organisation to recommend me to seize this position when it is offered. As far as I am concern, if you get someone to influence the decision for you to be employed and at the same time you are not competent for the job, your days are numbered! Believe me, it will be a costly lesson that you have to shoulder for the rest of your life.

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Be the best in your trade helps to build your self confidence as well helps you be acknowledged as the captain of the industry. Furthermore, people will know you and this is what networking is all about. The true concept of what is networking. People know you because you are the best in your trade. However, be the best does not mean you will stop your learning agenda. Instead, you must relearn, unlearn and learn from various sources pertaining to your trade so that you are always valid in the job market or society. Be the Best also will draw a lot of money to you because people are willing to pay the price to either hire you or attend your talk seminar. So, Be The Best!
There is a Confucius wisdom word, “Do something that you like most, job will be a thing of the past”. It means in order for you to be the best, you must love whatever you are doing now. Then only you will be the best, the captain of the trade or industry. Because when you eager to do something that you like to fulfil your dream, you will run, swim and fly to achieve it no matter how big are the obstacles in front of you. Many people fail to realize the important of be the best. Yet, they are grumbling of getting lower pay or the inability to be a financial able person. You have no other choice as this is the only way to get the momentum going on in you to achieve your ultimate dream no matter what it is because if you decide to be just an ordinary person while at the same time hoping God will throw His Blessing and make your dream become a reality, it is not going to happen.
So, be the best! This is the only way for you to reach your ultimate dream. There is no short cut to it! As remember, it is always too soon to quit now!
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Be The Best,
See You At The Top,
too soon to quit now
Monday, March 2, 2009
Leave A Legacy
One important thing to be always in your mind is to Leave A Legacy. Here it means you need to get your family to also have the same concept and spirit like you in order to continue your positive notes. Your family must buy the idea of too soon to quit now by looking at how you deal with whatever adversity you may face in your life.
I am touched by a composition written by my second son who is 11 years old during his examination which I really do not expect of. His composition has in a way shows that t I am leaving a legacy of too soon to quit now in him and also to his other siblings. I wrote back what he has written in that composition. Enjoy reading...
“Everybody has a father. I have a father who is really responsible, kind, intelligent and loving. He is 37 years old. My father is a highly ambitious person. He works as Group HR Manager in a multi -national company.
I love him so much because everything that I ask, he will find way to get it for me. He loves his family. He is also a very responsible person in carrying out his duty as the head of the family.
My father is a brilliant person. Problems at work or home always get solved by him. He also helps me to answer difficult questions in my homework.
I am very happy to have him as my father. I will study very hard to make him proud of me”.
From these words, I know that my son has learned such a powerful tool to succeed in life. A powerful tool that is useful in his future challenges and I am very sure that he would be able to counter whatever adversity that may come in his way to success!
Even though, he does not clearly spelled out in his composition on this matter, he has indirectly informs how he look me in a different perspective. Not just an ordinary father to him but such a highly regarded person. A person that he can counts of at anytime, rain or shine.
So, make sure your family knows what your dream is. You never know with the little support, the road to success is always in front of you. No matter what happens to you, family must come first! Thus, by leaving a legacy for them to follow up in years to come will definitely gets your good deed circulating in this world even after you have long gone! You can always look back into the history of mankind. See how those great people has left their legacy of which is remembered throughout the centuries of mankind. How sweet it is if that happens to you and me too! I know, at least, my legacy is in the making and shall be transcended to my generations to come. So, why don't you spark your child's imagination now and build the mind of accepting your ways as a legacy for them to emulate in years to come. Click Here!
Let them remember the greatness in you. After all, it is always too soon to quit now!
See you at the top! If you have related posts
I am touched by a composition written by my second son who is 11 years old during his examination which I really do not expect of. His composition has in a way shows that t I am leaving a legacy of too soon to quit now in him and also to his other siblings. I wrote back what he has written in that composition. Enjoy reading...
“Everybody has a father. I have a father who is really responsible, kind, intelligent and loving. He is 37 years old. My father is a highly ambitious person. He works as Group HR Manager in a multi -national company.
I love him so much because everything that I ask, he will find way to get it for me. He loves his family. He is also a very responsible person in carrying out his duty as the head of the family.
My father is a brilliant person. Problems at work or home always get solved by him. He also helps me to answer difficult questions in my homework.
I am very happy to have him as my father. I will study very hard to make him proud of me”.
From these words, I know that my son has learned such a powerful tool to succeed in life. A powerful tool that is useful in his future challenges and I am very sure that he would be able to counter whatever adversity that may come in his way to success!
Even though, he does not clearly spelled out in his composition on this matter, he has indirectly informs how he look me in a different perspective. Not just an ordinary father to him but such a highly regarded person. A person that he can counts of at anytime, rain or shine.
So, make sure your family knows what your dream is. You never know with the little support, the road to success is always in front of you. No matter what happens to you, family must come first! Thus, by leaving a legacy for them to follow up in years to come will definitely gets your good deed circulating in this world even after you have long gone! You can always look back into the history of mankind. See how those great people has left their legacy of which is remembered throughout the centuries of mankind. How sweet it is if that happens to you and me too! I know, at least, my legacy is in the making and shall be transcended to my generations to come. So, why don't you spark your child's imagination now and build the mind of accepting your ways as a legacy for them to emulate in years to come. Click Here!
Let them remember the greatness in you. After all, it is always too soon to quit now!
See you at the top! If you have related posts

leave a legacy,
too soon to quit now
Sunday, February 22, 2009
I also believe if we are so eagerly want to achieve any of our dreams, one way to another, we will find the ‘how’ even if it is excruciating difficult. In other words, NO IS NOT THE ANSWER in our life vocabulary. This is what happen to me when I decided many years ago to compensate my failure to obtain a college degree with a hard work to reach my dream of getting a high paying job in order to assist as well let my parents be proud of me.
I do not let the negative thinking in me. Whenever I encounter any bad experience which at time seems to hinder me from achieving my dream, I will tell myself, NO IS NOT THE ANSWER! Thus, suddenly, the low feeling in me starts to go away and myself now is fully energize to find the solution or the other way that can lead me to my ultimate dream. Learn also the MAGIC OF MAKING UP Click Here!
NO IS NOT THE ANSWER has also helps me to become a financial able person. At the same time, NO IS NOT THE ANSWER also helps me to excel in my career as well. My bosses always have a high degree of trust in me because they know whenever any task given to me, I will ensure completion without having any excuses thrown back to them should I encounter any hurdles during my mission.
NO IS NOT THE ANSWER should become your slogan in life too apart from other secret tools mentioned earlier. I am very sure you will able to propel to your ultimate dream without any further delay! Just repeat this slogan to yourself whenever you face any obstacles in life no matter how mountainous it is. By having this slogan in you, there is no way you cannot reach your goal very soon. I am a living proof to tell you how effective are this slogan in changing my whole life. If it can change mine, why not yours? NO IS NOT THE ANSWER!
If you look back into the history of mankind, you will also discover about this slogan in many great people throughout the history. How this slogan has help them to shape the world today. Their legacy will be remembered for as long as the mankind is evolving. Just name whoever success person be it in the past or present. Study them carefully. You will find that one of the aspect towards them becoming such a GREAT person is they embrace this concept, NO IS NOT THE ANSWER! So, you have seen how this slogan manages to bring GREATNESS in those remarkable people throughout the history, what are you waiting for? Embrace it with all your heart. Do not despair when you are pushed to the wall, just remember, NO IS NOT THE ANSWER!
There are many ways for you to achieve anything you want in this life. There is no one way about it. The path taken by a person to greatness may help you to reach the TOP but at the same time, there are also many others who reach to their dream by chartering to the unchartered path. Remember I say your dream will be chasing to be part of you when you are intensely want it. I repeat it again here. Make your dream be part of your breath and at the same time apply all the practical tools yet very simple and easy to do, your dream is just around the corner!
So, push away your sorrow, disappointment, upset or failure. See the greatness in front of you. Imagine the sweet success in your near future. After all, there always be a beautiful rainbow after a thunderstorm! God is The Al Mighty! He gives you a challenge in life just to ensure you will be ready for the GREATNESS in the near future so that you will be able to handle such powerful success very soon. After all, it is 2 soon 2 quit now! (http://2soon2quitnow.blogspot.com).
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I do not let the negative thinking in me. Whenever I encounter any bad experience which at time seems to hinder me from achieving my dream, I will tell myself, NO IS NOT THE ANSWER! Thus, suddenly, the low feeling in me starts to go away and myself now is fully energize to find the solution or the other way that can lead me to my ultimate dream. Learn also the MAGIC OF MAKING UP Click Here!
NO IS NOT THE ANSWER has also helps me to become a financial able person. At the same time, NO IS NOT THE ANSWER also helps me to excel in my career as well. My bosses always have a high degree of trust in me because they know whenever any task given to me, I will ensure completion without having any excuses thrown back to them should I encounter any hurdles during my mission.
NO IS NOT THE ANSWER should become your slogan in life too apart from other secret tools mentioned earlier. I am very sure you will able to propel to your ultimate dream without any further delay! Just repeat this slogan to yourself whenever you face any obstacles in life no matter how mountainous it is. By having this slogan in you, there is no way you cannot reach your goal very soon. I am a living proof to tell you how effective are this slogan in changing my whole life. If it can change mine, why not yours? NO IS NOT THE ANSWER!
If you look back into the history of mankind, you will also discover about this slogan in many great people throughout the history. How this slogan has help them to shape the world today. Their legacy will be remembered for as long as the mankind is evolving. Just name whoever success person be it in the past or present. Study them carefully. You will find that one of the aspect towards them becoming such a GREAT person is they embrace this concept, NO IS NOT THE ANSWER! So, you have seen how this slogan manages to bring GREATNESS in those remarkable people throughout the history, what are you waiting for? Embrace it with all your heart. Do not despair when you are pushed to the wall, just remember, NO IS NOT THE ANSWER!
There are many ways for you to achieve anything you want in this life. There is no one way about it. The path taken by a person to greatness may help you to reach the TOP but at the same time, there are also many others who reach to their dream by chartering to the unchartered path. Remember I say your dream will be chasing to be part of you when you are intensely want it. I repeat it again here. Make your dream be part of your breath and at the same time apply all the practical tools yet very simple and easy to do, your dream is just around the corner!
So, push away your sorrow, disappointment, upset or failure. See the greatness in front of you. Imagine the sweet success in your near future. After all, there always be a beautiful rainbow after a thunderstorm! God is The Al Mighty! He gives you a challenge in life just to ensure you will be ready for the GREATNESS in the near future so that you will be able to handle such powerful success very soon. After all, it is 2 soon 2 quit now! (http://2soon2quitnow.blogspot.com).
See you at the TOP! If you have related posts

Saturday, February 21, 2009
When I reflect back, I also discover that there is one thing unique practice that has become part of my life. It brings my dream of earning a good income and a high corporate position into reality. In addition, the same practice also helps me to become a financial able person. Hence, I am able to repay my parents hardship during my growing years. I notice that I JUST DO IT! I do not let others stand in my way to divert me from achieving my dream. No matter what people say I will still continue to be lead by my inner voice.. JUST DO IT!
I know that I am painting my own canvas life. I do not need others to tell me what to do or do not do. Indeed, God send His message to us every day. It just we do not really care to stop for a second and think deeply into the event that we see in front of us.
Imagine that you are at the river side. You are watching the river flow now. The river is flowing endlessly with all its mighty current down the stream. What if suddenly we put a boulder to divert the river flows? If you see carefully, now, the river is trying hard to get rid of the boulder so that it could flow as usual. It either move the boulder away, split the water flow into many directions or even goes on top of the boulder because its ultimate dream is to flow down the stream.
Coming back to our life, can’t we do the same? Can’t we take any setbacks or obstacles as challenge for us to find other ways to achieve our dream as there is no ONE way path of reaching to our ultimate dream?
I did the same thing here. I JUST DO IT! Back then, there is one time when I apply for a job advertised in the newspaper for a middle management post, I just ignore its requirements. I JUST DO IT! For me, the college degree (among the perquisite requirements) is just a requirement but it does not mean that person will be able to do an exemplary job. Do note that the most important thing in my mind is to achieve my dream and I want to achieve it now! Since at that time, my dream is to get a high paying job and being a middle management employee can help me to attain the salary that I want at that point of time. I JUST DO IT! I apply the P3 SECRET MAGIC FORMULA during the interview session and I think you know who get the job in the end! Yes, it is me! I beat all the candidates who have good college degree, some even have a Master Degree plus years of experience compared to me, ZERO EXPERIENCE!
What makes me chosen from other “qualified” candidates who match to the advertisement’s requirement? Very simple, I JUST DO IT! I show to the Management that even though I know nuts about the job, I have the POSITIVE mind, PERSISTENCE in my pursuit to get the job and finally, WITH PERSEVERANCE in me , I can do wonders at the organisation.
So read my lips, JUST DO IT! You will definitely achieve whatever you want or whatever you dream in the near future. Do not let other people to shatter your dream. Focus on your dream and your dream will be chasing to be part of your life very soon.
Even when come to financial aspect, i also do the same. I JUST DO IT!. People are telling to avoid the share market but I am going to buy those blue chips shares which prices are so low and very attractive. There is no other good time to buy shares other than now! Some people are waiting at the sideline only to realize that they have lost the opportunity to gain a handsome profit from the equity market. Why? Because they are listening to the experts who they themselves do not know when is the actual good time to buy shares in the beaten market. So, JUST DO IT! Listen to your inner voice and act! Of course, you must make sure that greed does not conquer your judgement. My secret to buy shares in the equity market and make a handsome gain are very simple. I go for blue chips counters and I will purchase only when the price is so attractive due to a sudden turn of event that makes the counter’s share price beaten so bad or suddenly the share price is at 52 weeks low. Once I see this opportunity, I will grab it with the JUST DO IT! tag line in my mind. With this, I gain handsomely once the market rise...and am laughing all the way to the bank.
So, remember this important tag line, JUST DO IT! After all, it is 2 soon 2 quit now. (http://2soon2quitnow.blogpsot.com).
See you at the TOP! If you have related posts
I know that I am painting my own canvas life. I do not need others to tell me what to do or do not do. Indeed, God send His message to us every day. It just we do not really care to stop for a second and think deeply into the event that we see in front of us.
Imagine that you are at the river side. You are watching the river flow now. The river is flowing endlessly with all its mighty current down the stream. What if suddenly we put a boulder to divert the river flows? If you see carefully, now, the river is trying hard to get rid of the boulder so that it could flow as usual. It either move the boulder away, split the water flow into many directions or even goes on top of the boulder because its ultimate dream is to flow down the stream.
Coming back to our life, can’t we do the same? Can’t we take any setbacks or obstacles as challenge for us to find other ways to achieve our dream as there is no ONE way path of reaching to our ultimate dream?
I did the same thing here. I JUST DO IT! Back then, there is one time when I apply for a job advertised in the newspaper for a middle management post, I just ignore its requirements. I JUST DO IT! For me, the college degree (among the perquisite requirements) is just a requirement but it does not mean that person will be able to do an exemplary job. Do note that the most important thing in my mind is to achieve my dream and I want to achieve it now! Since at that time, my dream is to get a high paying job and being a middle management employee can help me to attain the salary that I want at that point of time. I JUST DO IT! I apply the P3 SECRET MAGIC FORMULA during the interview session and I think you know who get the job in the end! Yes, it is me! I beat all the candidates who have good college degree, some even have a Master Degree plus years of experience compared to me, ZERO EXPERIENCE!
What makes me chosen from other “qualified” candidates who match to the advertisement’s requirement? Very simple, I JUST DO IT! I show to the Management that even though I know nuts about the job, I have the POSITIVE mind, PERSISTENCE in my pursuit to get the job and finally, WITH PERSEVERANCE in me , I can do wonders at the organisation.
So read my lips, JUST DO IT! You will definitely achieve whatever you want or whatever you dream in the near future. Do not let other people to shatter your dream. Focus on your dream and your dream will be chasing to be part of your life very soon.
Even when come to financial aspect, i also do the same. I JUST DO IT!. People are telling to avoid the share market but I am going to buy those blue chips shares which prices are so low and very attractive. There is no other good time to buy shares other than now! Some people are waiting at the sideline only to realize that they have lost the opportunity to gain a handsome profit from the equity market. Why? Because they are listening to the experts who they themselves do not know when is the actual good time to buy shares in the beaten market. So, JUST DO IT! Listen to your inner voice and act! Of course, you must make sure that greed does not conquer your judgement. My secret to buy shares in the equity market and make a handsome gain are very simple. I go for blue chips counters and I will purchase only when the price is so attractive due to a sudden turn of event that makes the counter’s share price beaten so bad or suddenly the share price is at 52 weeks low. Once I see this opportunity, I will grab it with the JUST DO IT! tag line in my mind. With this, I gain handsomely once the market rise...and am laughing all the way to the bank.
So, remember this important tag line, JUST DO IT! After all, it is 2 soon 2 quit now. (http://2soon2quitnow.blogpsot.com).
See you at the TOP! If you have related posts
Thursday, February 19, 2009
THE POWER OF DREAM - Believe It Or Not?
I believe it! Actually, everything that happens or invented starts from a single dream. Look around you. Almost everything in this world starts with a dream. It does happen to me also. As mentioned earlier, I want to get a high paying job and earning handsomely so that I would be able to help my parents. That goal starts with a dream. A dream so intense in me to make it happens. As it is constantly in my mind, the dream becomes a reality. I also dream to be a financial able person. Now, I am!
So, what I am trying to tell you is to start dreaming of anything that you want in this world. With the P3 SECRET MAGIC FORMULA , i.e, POSITIVE, PERSISTENCE, PERSEVERANCE, nothing will hinder you to achieve your dream. Do not let others lead your life. You decide what you want your dream to be. The P3 SECRET MAGIC FORMULA will not let you down. Trust me! I use this simple P3 SECRET MAGIC FORMULA and achieve whatever I dreamt of before. So, no matter is what position you are now, be it financial broke, more bills to be paid than your earning, family feud issue, jobless, still studying, marriage at the edge of collapsing or anything else that you can name of, remember this, THE P3 SECRET MAGIC FORMULA COMBINED WITH THE POWER OF DREAM will propel you to the highest you want to be. Read how Michael Harvey, a Renewable Energy Enthusiasts, bring his dream into reality. Click Here!
Thus, BEGIN TO DREAM OF SOMETHING NOW, write that in a piece of paper and paste at your mirror so that you could visualize your dream each time you see yourself in the mirror. Keep a copy in your wallet or purse so that each time when you open it, you will see that tiny piece of paper with such a powerful dream in it. Tell yourself that you are able to achieve your dream no matter what it takes (POSITIVE). Tell yourself your dream is knocking the door already. Tell yourself to constantly search for opportunity to achieve your dream no matter what is in front of you (PERSISTENCE). Tell yourself you will quickly be on your feet again when you fall as every obstacle helps to enrich your life and prepare you for the best (PERSEVERANCE). So, now you see the interrelation between the POWER OF DREAM and P3 magical tool. Have it in your mind every minute of your life. You will definitely achieve your dream. You never know what lies in the future for you. Hence, canvas your future with your dream!! Stop feeling sorry for what had happened to you in the past! You cannot change your pass but with the POWER OF DREAM coupled with the P3 magical tool, you definitely can change your future. Take my piece word of advice from me and start to have your dream now. I can assure you will thank me in the near future because it is always 2soon2quitnow!
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So, what I am trying to tell you is to start dreaming of anything that you want in this world. With the P3 SECRET MAGIC FORMULA , i.e, POSITIVE, PERSISTENCE, PERSEVERANCE, nothing will hinder you to achieve your dream. Do not let others lead your life. You decide what you want your dream to be. The P3 SECRET MAGIC FORMULA will not let you down. Trust me! I use this simple P3 SECRET MAGIC FORMULA and achieve whatever I dreamt of before. So, no matter is what position you are now, be it financial broke, more bills to be paid than your earning, family feud issue, jobless, still studying, marriage at the edge of collapsing or anything else that you can name of, remember this, THE P3 SECRET MAGIC FORMULA COMBINED WITH THE POWER OF DREAM will propel you to the highest you want to be. Read how Michael Harvey, a Renewable Energy Enthusiasts, bring his dream into reality. Click Here!
Thus, BEGIN TO DREAM OF SOMETHING NOW, write that in a piece of paper and paste at your mirror so that you could visualize your dream each time you see yourself in the mirror. Keep a copy in your wallet or purse so that each time when you open it, you will see that tiny piece of paper with such a powerful dream in it. Tell yourself that you are able to achieve your dream no matter what it takes (POSITIVE). Tell yourself your dream is knocking the door already. Tell yourself to constantly search for opportunity to achieve your dream no matter what is in front of you (PERSISTENCE). Tell yourself you will quickly be on your feet again when you fall as every obstacle helps to enrich your life and prepare you for the best (PERSEVERANCE). So, now you see the interrelation between the POWER OF DREAM and P3 magical tool. Have it in your mind every minute of your life. You will definitely achieve your dream. You never know what lies in the future for you. Hence, canvas your future with your dream!! Stop feeling sorry for what had happened to you in the past! You cannot change your pass but with the POWER OF DREAM coupled with the P3 magical tool, you definitely can change your future. Take my piece word of advice from me and start to have your dream now. I can assure you will thank me in the near future because it is always 2soon2quitnow!
See you at the TOP! If you have related posts
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
P3 - A Powerful Secret Magic Formula
When I reflect back into my life in the previous years and at the same time compare to the present, I discover all those successes in my life revolves around the above magic formula. It sounds very simple but it has such an enormous power that can be applied by everyone in this world, no matter for what reason you may have, either today you are a beggar, jobless, homeless, bankrupt, almost capsize in debts, manual worker, office worker, executive, business owner, full time housewife, etc, etc. You know better about your present situation.
I sum up that magic formula to be a very simple to remember, yet it is so powerful to handle. As I told you in my previous post, I am not coming from a wealthy family. To add salt to the wound, I was dismissed from the University and ended with no college degree in my hand. People like me are called COLLEGE DROP-OUT! Yet, my present living condition is 10 times if not 100 times better than those college degree holders at all aspects be it career, family, finance, etc, etc. HOW DO I ACHIEVE THAT? WHAT MAKES ME DIFFERENT FROM OTHERS??? Read on..
After going through the ups and downs in life, can you believe that I am now a GROUP HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGER at an organisation with worldwide presence? BETTER DO SO! So, as you can see, I have achieved a high paying job that I always dreamt of before. A position that normally is offered to someone with a good college degree or higher. To add more excitement, I get this job not because I am applying for it but because this Management offers me this high paying job. YES! THEY OFFER ME THIS JOB! At the meantime, I occasionally receive job offer from other organisations which seem to be eager to have me on board and be part of their Management Team. However, I do not turn greedy and just accept all offer that come to me as I always want to bring or create some impact in the organisation first or at least help several employee to achieve their dreams. That is my principal in life. HELP SOMEONE TO ACHIEVE THEIR ULTIMATE DREAM!!! As I want to reach millions of people out there who are having tough times coping with the economic turmoil at present or someone who at any point of life falls into a deep problem, I hope my articles will help to open up your horizon and see the life in a different perspective.. (http://2soon2quitnow.blogspot.com).
OK, coming back to the simple but a very powerful magic formula, P3. I want you memorize this formula throughout your life. Click Here!
Keep that in your wallet or purse always. You may have hear them before so many times but never believe in it as a tool to propel you to the top. Now, I want you to seriously look into it and believe in it. Make it circulating your whole body without fail!
That’s the powerful secret magic formula that I use in my entire life as a basis for me to achieve whatever I want. I will touch on this powerful secret magic formula from time to time throughout this blog to show how this powerful secret magic formula has helped to transform me to be what I am today.
Remember, it is always 2 soon 2 quit now!
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I sum up that magic formula to be a very simple to remember, yet it is so powerful to handle. As I told you in my previous post, I am not coming from a wealthy family. To add salt to the wound, I was dismissed from the University and ended with no college degree in my hand. People like me are called COLLEGE DROP-OUT! Yet, my present living condition is 10 times if not 100 times better than those college degree holders at all aspects be it career, family, finance, etc, etc. HOW DO I ACHIEVE THAT? WHAT MAKES ME DIFFERENT FROM OTHERS??? Read on..
After going through the ups and downs in life, can you believe that I am now a GROUP HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGER at an organisation with worldwide presence? BETTER DO SO! So, as you can see, I have achieved a high paying job that I always dreamt of before. A position that normally is offered to someone with a good college degree or higher. To add more excitement, I get this job not because I am applying for it but because this Management offers me this high paying job. YES! THEY OFFER ME THIS JOB! At the meantime, I occasionally receive job offer from other organisations which seem to be eager to have me on board and be part of their Management Team. However, I do not turn greedy and just accept all offer that come to me as I always want to bring or create some impact in the organisation first or at least help several employee to achieve their dreams. That is my principal in life. HELP SOMEONE TO ACHIEVE THEIR ULTIMATE DREAM!!! As I want to reach millions of people out there who are having tough times coping with the economic turmoil at present or someone who at any point of life falls into a deep problem, I hope my articles will help to open up your horizon and see the life in a different perspective.. (http://2soon2quitnow.blogspot.com).
OK, coming back to the simple but a very powerful magic formula, P3. I want you memorize this formula throughout your life. Click Here!
Keep that in your wallet or purse always. You may have hear them before so many times but never believe in it as a tool to propel you to the top. Now, I want you to seriously look into it and believe in it. Make it circulating your whole body without fail!
That’s the powerful secret magic formula that I use in my entire life as a basis for me to achieve whatever I want. I will touch on this powerful secret magic formula from time to time throughout this blog to show how this powerful secret magic formula has helped to transform me to be what I am today.
Remember, it is always 2 soon 2 quit now!
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