Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Be The Best

Everyone in this world no matter how extreme his condition is can be successful in whatever thing that he dreamt of. Trust me! Because I have gone through that stage! So, do not let your less fortunate life haunt you for the rest of your life. As I mentioned earlier, you can achieve anything you want in this life. Nobody can stop you from realising your dream. Just dream of something and work aggressively towards it. Among other criteria that must be in you beside whatever he has discussed earlier, to BE THE BEST must be always in your mind. Be The Best will help you to be the most outstanding person among the rest of the sect. Be The Best also helps to propel you to the dream that you are longing for all this while. Here is a good way to achieve your financial dream.Click Here!

By becoming the best in my career, I manage to achieve my dream of attaining a high position in a multinational company without having to apply for the job. Indeed, the company offers me the job with a salary higher than what I am asking for. How nice... Do note that I do not know anybody in this organisation to recommend me to seize this position when it is offered. As far as I am concern, if you get someone to influence the decision for you to be employed and at the same time you are not competent for the job, your days are numbered! Believe me, it will be a costly lesson that you have to shoulder for the rest of your life.

Be the best in your trade helps to build your self confidence as well helps you be acknowledged as the captain of the industry. Furthermore, people will know you and this is what networking is all about. The true concept of what is networking. People know you because you are the best in your trade. However, be the best does not mean you will stop your learning agenda. Instead, you must relearn, unlearn and learn from various sources pertaining to your trade so that you are always valid in the job market or society. Be the Best also will draw a lot of money to you because people are willing to pay the price to either hire you or attend your talk seminar. So, Be The Best!

There is a Confucius wisdom word, “Do something that you like most, job will be a thing of the past”. It means in order for you to be the best, you must love whatever you are doing now. Then only you will be the best, the captain of the trade or industry. Because when you eager to do something that you like to fulfil your dream, you will run, swim and fly to achieve it no matter how big are the obstacles in front of you. Many people fail to realize the important of be the best. Yet, they are grumbling of getting lower pay or the inability to be a financial able person. You have no other choice as this is the only way to get the momentum going on in you to achieve your ultimate dream no matter what it is because if you decide to be just an ordinary person while at the same time hoping God will throw His Blessing and make your dream become a reality, it is not going to happen.
So, be the best! This is the only way for you to reach your ultimate dream. There is no short cut to it! As remember, it is always too soon to quit now!

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Monday, March 2, 2009

Leave A Legacy

One important thing to be always in your mind is to Leave A Legacy. Here it means you need to get your family to also have the same concept and spirit like you in order to continue your positive notes. Your family must buy the idea of too soon to quit now by looking at how you deal with whatever adversity you may face in your life.

I am touched by a composition written by my second son who is 11 years old during his examination which I really do not expect of. His composition has in a way shows that t I am leaving a legacy of too soon to quit now in him and also to his other siblings. I wrote back what he has written in that composition. Enjoy reading...

“Everybody has a father. I have a father who is really responsible, kind, intelligent and loving. He is 37 years old. My father is a highly ambitious person. He works as Group HR Manager in a multi -national company.
I love him so much because everything that I ask, he will find way to get it for me. He loves his family. He is also a very responsible person in carrying out his duty as the head of the family.

My father is a brilliant person. Problems at work or home always get solved by him. He also helps me to answer difficult questions in my homework.
I am very happy to have him as my father. I will study very hard to make him proud of me”.

From these words, I know that my son has learned such a powerful tool to succeed in life. A powerful tool that is useful in his future challenges and I am very sure that he would be able to counter whatever adversity that may come in his way to success!

Even though, he does not clearly spelled out in his composition on this matter, he has indirectly informs how he look me in a different perspective. Not just an ordinary father to him but such a highly regarded person. A person that he can counts of at anytime, rain or shine.

So, make sure your family knows what your dream is. You never know with the little support, the road to success is always in front of you. No matter what happens to you, family must come first! Thus, by leaving a legacy for them to follow up in years to come will definitely gets your good deed circulating in this world even after you have long gone! You can always look back into the history of mankind. See how those great people has left their legacy of which is remembered throughout the centuries of mankind. How sweet it is if that happens to you and me too! I know, at least, my legacy is in the making and shall be transcended to my generations to come. So, why don't you spark your child's imagination now and build the mind of accepting your ways as a legacy for them to emulate in years to come. Click Here!

Let them remember the greatness in you. After all, it is always too soon to quit now!

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